Arrival and Dismissal
Be Patient and check for student movement at all times!
Shawnee Mission School District (SMSD) policy states that children are to arrive at school no earlier than 7:50 a.m. Students are allowed to go to their classrooms at 8:00 a.m. Students who arrive between 7:50 a.m and 8:00 a.m. are asked to wait in the gym. If you need before-school care, please sign-up for Y-Care.
Car Riders:
If you drive your child to school, the drop-off lane is at the back of the school. The entrance to the lot is on Mission Road. Be patient and keep with the traffic flow. DO NOT PASS unless directed by a staff member.
When you reach the sidewalk, pull up as close as possible to the vehicle in front of you. Students are asked to exit cars promptly, adults must stay in the car. Staff will prompt you when students are safe to exit the vehicle.
Right turn only when exiting the lot onto Mission Road.
Only people with special circumstance passes are allowed to use this location. Using this location disrupts the flow of traffic on 67th and Mission.
The parking lot by the soccer field on 67th may be used. Cars must park in the lot, as this is not a drive-through. There is no left turn into this lot, and Prairie Village police will issue a ticket for doing so.
If you choose to drop-off your child at the Village Presbyterian Parking lot, a crossing guard will help your child cross Mission Road.
You may drop off your child on 66th Street, to the north of Prairie, where there is a crosswalk. However, be sure to park well away from the crosswalk. Students may use the bridge near the crosswalk, to reach the school. Be aware that this is not school property, and Prairie staff does not monitor the area.
Parents who walk their children to school are asked to say goodbye outside. Allowing children to walk to class independently, with the help of staff monitoring, enhances a child’s confidence and independence. This independent arrival also enables teachers to focus attention on the children as soon as they arrive.
If you walk to school with your dog, please consider our students and the busy flow of arrival and dismissal times. Our facility dog is on duty and visiting impede her ability to help children feel calm at arrival. It is often difficult to control the interactions between unfamiliar dogs, and this can be scary for students who are not used to dogs. Please wait with your dog at the boundary to the school.
Bike Riders
Students must walk their bikes on school property, and remain on sidewalks and use crosswalks when available. This will help ensure safety, as cars and buses move through the parking lots and streets. Bike racks are stationed on the north side of the school, near the gym doors. At Prairie it is recommended that students be in the 3rd grade before they ride bikes independently to school. Younger students may ride their bike if they are supervised by an adult. It is highly encouraged that students do not ride motorized scooters to school as they can be become a safety hazard.
Beginning at 7:50 a.m., the front and back entrances, as well as hallways, will be monitored by Prairie staff. Phones and iPads must be put away when traveling in the hallways. Walk safely, slowly and keep your hands to yourself.
Students arriving late to school (after 8:10 a.m.) must check-in at the office. The office staff will enter the student’s arrival time into the school district’s attendance system and print a tardy slip for the student to take to his/her teacher. Please note: 10 tardies is equivalent to 1 unexcused absence per SMSD attendance policy.
Be Patient and check for student movement at all times!
The instructional day at Prairie Elementary School ends at 3:10 p.m.
All students are dismissed through the back of the building. Walkers and bike riders are dismissed at the 3:10 bell. Car riders are called to dismiss individually and staff will assist as they exit and enter their vehicles.
All parents and other visitors entering the school must report to the office. Anyone who has an appointment to meet with a teacher or visit another area of the school will be logged into the district’s computer system, and given a name sticker to be worn throughout the school. Staff members, volunteers, and substitutes will also be given badges. Anyone in the school building without a badge should expect to be approached and questioned.
These guidelines are designed to assist us in providing a safe and orderly school environment. Prairie Elementary strongly encourages parent involvement. These measures are intended to ensure the safety and security of the school community.
Lunch visitors may sit at the lunch table with their child or eat in the courtyard or garden.